The cementation of clay, especially colloidal particle, plays an important role in the structural stability of soil samples. 黏粒,尤其是胶粒的胶结作用,对土料的结构稳定性具有重要作用。
Experimental investigation of the slow light and superluminal effects in high-quality three-dimensional colloidal photonic crystals Particle Simulation Research on the Interaction of Ultra-short Ultra-intense Laser Pulses and Overdense Plasmas 高质量三维胶体光子晶体中慢光速与超光速的实验研究超短超强激光脉冲与高密度等离子体相互作用的粒子模拟研究
The cooperative effect of a colloidal particle driven by a periodic signal in a harmonic potential 外部信号驱动下胶原粒子在谐振势场中的协作效应
Fluorescence Studies of Eu Ions Adsorption on Pseudo-Boehmite Colloidal Particle Surface 荧光光谱法研究Eu~(3+)在拟薄水铝石纳米胶粒表面的吸附
Determination of Structure of SiO_2 Colloidal Particle by SAXS SAXS测定二氧化硅胶体粒子结构
Rapid Synthesis of Double Layers and Different Materials Colloidal Particle Films by Spin-coating Method 旋涂法快速制备双层异质胶体颗粒薄膜
Effective interaction between charged plane and charged colloidal particle in electrolyte 电解液中带电平板与带电胶体球之间的有效相互作用
Colloidal copper catalysts in different particle sizes with high activity are obtained under different reacted conditions. 通过控制反应条件,得到了不同粒度分布的具有高催化活性的胶体铜催化剂。
Lattice Boltzmann method, as a new numerical technique, was used to simulate the Brownian motion of a colloidal particle in microchannels. 采用格子-玻尔兹曼方法(LBM),模拟研究微通道结构限制下微细布朗颗粒的运动。
The relative contents of calcium hydroxide in the colloid are inversely proportional to the colloidal particle size. 胶体中氢氧化钙相对含量与胶粒的大小成反比。
Methods: Colloidal gold with different particle diameters was synthesized. 方法:制备不同颗粒直径的胶体金。
At last, the density function theory is used to numerically investigate the distribution of counterions near the colloidal particle in the simplified colloidal suspension model. 最后,对一个简化的胶体悬浮液模型,我们应用密度函数理论数值的研究了带电胶体粒子周围反离子的分布情况。与Debye-H(?)
Surface tension of nanometer particle La ( 1-x) Sr_xMnO_3 can be reduced remarkably that adding un-ionic surface-active agent. It prevent colloidal particle from growing up and original particle reuniting, thereby minish effectively particle size of oxide and improve its dispersing. 添加非离子表面活性剂可以显著降低纳米微粒La(1-x)SrxMnO3的表面张力,防止原生粒子团聚和胶体粒子长大,从而有效地提高粉体的分散度并减小粒径。
Brownian movement of colloidal partical is the base to study colloidal properties, but colloidal particle is too small to be observed by naked eye or microscope. 胶粒的布朗运动是研究胶体其他性质的基础,由于胶粒很小,无法凭肉眼或用一般显微镜进行观察;
Monte Carlo Simulation to the Effect of Potential Barriers on the Kinetics Behaviour of Reaction-limited Aggregation of Colloidal Particle Cluster 胶粒分形粒子簇反应控制聚集动态行为位垒影响的MonteCarlo模拟
Interference of Vectorial Colloidal Ball and J/ Ψ Particle in the Process of ρπ's Emergence ρπ产生过程中矢量胶球与J/Ψ粒子的干涉作用
Relationship Between Surface Charge Density and Surface Potential of Spherical Colloidal Particle 球型胶体颗粒的表面电位和表面电荷密度的关系
Peptizing process parameters and colloidal particle structure of pseudo-boehmite 拟薄水铝石胶溶过程参数及胶团结构
The effect of particle relative diameter, position and microchannel roughness on the diffusion of colloidal particle were investigated. 结果表明布朗粒子与微通道的相对大小、布朗粒子在微通道中的相对位置和微通道表面的粗糙性,都会对布朗粒子的扩散系数产生影响;
Meanwhile, the CBD was improved by promoting the films thickness optimization to the colloidal particle size optimization. 将化学浴沉积(CBD)过程的研究从薄膜厚度优化改进为胶体粒子尺寸优化,促进了CBD技术的发展。
Nanometer sized sulfide semiconductor ultrafine particles ( CdS, ZnS, PbS and Bi_2S_3) were prepared in aqueous solution by colloidal chemical methods. The particle sizes deter-mined by TEM are below 10 nm. 用胶体化学方法在水溶液中制备了纳米硫尺寸硫化物半导体超微粒(CdS、ZnS、PbS、及Bi_2S_3),并用TEM测得超微粒颗粒尺寸小于10nm。
It was found that with the rise of pH the concentration of colloidal resin increased and the particle size became larger too, which led to their lower stability and higher depositing possibility. 发现随着pH的下降,树脂粒子浓度升高,平均粒径增大,沉积趋势增强。
Consequently, water addition is able to control the size of colloidal particle; and water additon will influence properties of ZnO colloid such as pH value, absorption spectrum and fluorescence spectrum. 因此,可通过加水量来控制ZnO胶粒的大小,而加水量对ZnO胶体性质,如pH值、吸收光谱和荧光光谱有影响。
The result shows that the ultra filtration function film of PVDF can effectively get rid of turbid degree, bacterium, colloidal and organic particle in water and it can also prevent pollution effectively to keep longer production cycle. 结果表明,PVDF超滤膜可以有效去除水中浊度、细菌、胶体和有机颗粒,同时还具有较高耐污能力的特点,可以保持较长的生产周期。
Stabilizer surface adsorption of casein colloidal particle increased with the increase of adding amount of stabilizer and zeta potential reduced. 酪蛋白胶粒表面稳定剂吸附量随着稳定剂添加量的增加而增多,zeta值减小。
Soil colloidal particle aggregation or dispersion can profoundly influence numerous microcosmic processes and macroscopic phenomena in soil, and ions would be the indispensable influence factor of soil colloids aggregation. In the present dissertation, various soil colloids were used as research materials. 土壤胶体的凝聚和分散深刻影响着土壤中众多微观过程和宏观现象的发生,而离子是土壤胶体凝聚的重要影响因素。
The specific surface area and total pore volume of the resulting graphitized carbon were highly dependent on the proportion of two type of colloidal silica with different particle size. 碳材料的表面积和孔体积取决于模板中两种粒径SiO2球的尺寸和数量。
Silver colloidal particle is nanometer-size particle, so it has many advantageous characteristics differing from other traditional bulk materials. 胶体银是具有纳米尺度的小颗粒,有着许多不同于传统块体材料的优越特性。
Silicasol is a kind of fine chemical product. It is a kind of colloidal solution which formed by silica particle uniformly dispersed in water. Silicasol has been widely used in chemical industry, textile, precision casting, electronics and other industries. 硅溶胶是一种精细化工产品,是二氧化硅微粒在水中均匀分散形成的一种胶体溶液,已被广泛应用于化工、纺织、精密铸造、电子等工业。